The job application process can be difficult to navigate, but Standard 13 is here to help.

We take a candidate-first, human approach to help you land the job now, and to support you throughout your career into the future.


Our coaching and mentorship programs are designed to give you the confidence to present your best.

Whether by helping you to articulate how your past experience can translate to the role you’re applying for, to reflect on a recent interview to identify ways for you to improve moving forward, or to navigate salary negotiations once you’ve been given an offer, our team of talent experts will support you every step of the way.

With our coaching, you’ll gain insight and skills that will benefit you for years to come.

Standard 13 - coaching for job seekers
Standard 13 - context for job seekers


We’re more than headhunters, we’re your partner for all needs related to your professional life.

Whether you’re searching for a new job, navigating a career pivot, or looking for ways to grow within your current company, we can help you define your goals and build a roadmap.

We’ve worked with and for top hiring companies across a variety of industries, so we deeply understand their needs and their hiring processes.

We’ll leverage decades of industry experience to help you achieve a deeply fulfilling professional life.

Flexible Pricing

Our rates are purposely reasonable so that our clients can spend less money on fees and more on anything else that excites them in life!

We provide top quality services at a standard fee. Low fees and zero risk.

Standard 13 - flexible pricing for employers

Standard 13 has started a revolutionary movement, reinventing recruitment.  Join us today!  #rejecttheresume  #removethejobdescription

“Before learning about Standard 13, my job search was tough. I would be invited for an on-site interview, meet with people in person over the course of a few hours, and then never hear anything back!

Even when I reached out to ask for additional context, recruiters never shared any tangible feedback that I could use to improve! After 5 weeks of coaching, I’m confident enough to try again because I’ve now learned the tools and have the resources to present my best self in an interview!”


“Standard 13’s support was instrumental in obtaining my promotion! My coach and I role played, determined the best way to articulate my work accomplishments, and talked through my capabilities that aligned with the increased responsibility I was requesting, leading me to ACE my internal interview! I now plan to “brush up” my skills by purchasing a session package
before my yearly performance review too!”
